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Best Way to Lose 70 Pounds in 3 Months - Success Stories

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  Anna and Sarah Hanson-Morris, from Connecticut, saw their weight balloon after Anna became pregnant. Anna, 36, began craving cheese, and Sarah began binging on it along with her A diet laden with dairy, snacks, takeaways and junk food continued after their daughter Elsie's birth. The effect on the couple's health was dramatic. Anna weighed nearly 300 pounds and Sarah, at over 230 pounds, struggled to get up the stairs. Sarah said: "My weight got to its extreme while my wife was pregnant and I was eating all her craving food along with her. I began to feel really unhealthy, getting bad back ache and sore knees, and I began to consider how at 36 I shouldn't be getting out of breath going up a flight of stairs. The couple had both previously been members of  Keto Diet, before pregnancy and Elsie's infancy led them back into old eating habits. "With a young baby we were just grabbing what we could around her, mostly snack food and ordering takeaways,&q

Best Way to Lose 70 Pounds in 4 Months - Cathernie's Story

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Catherine Hellyer, 27, never thought twice about her daily order of a sausage roll, a multi-pack of brownie bites and a milky coffee laden with sugar. She ate the same lunchtime order every weekday for almost two years. Catherine, from Illinois  said: "The only time it really varied was if I added a chicken tikka baguette on top. Honestly, my diet was so bad it was ridiculous, I must have been eating a week’s worth of calories in a couple of days. I even used to go to Greggs to get a pain au chocolat for breakfast most mornings because it was on my walk in to work." As the pastries piled up, the weight piled on and by Christmas 2018 Catherine tipped the scales at almost 240 pounds It was then, after a miserable shopping trip to find an outfit for a Christmas party, that she decided she had to do something. Catherine added: “I just wanted something cheap and cheerful to wear, but I’d gone up to a size 20/22 and I couldn’t find anything to fit in the high street shops. I

How to Lose 95 lbs in 6 Months - Danny's Success Story

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Danny Toffel is certainly a determined man. With just $40 and operating out of a garden shed, Danny started selling watches on eBay to supplement his family's income. That was in 2002 and the business has now grown to become Britain's biggest independent retailer of branded watches. Last year it had a turnover of £12million. However, with Danny's newfound success he was seriously risking his health. He worked huge hours and didn't take a single day off for seven years straight. His immense work ethic also meant his diet suffered, with him choosing quick and easy takeaway foods to satisfy his hunger. Danny said: "I don't remember exactly what I ate but I used to have two steaks for dinner and if a ready meal was for two people, I would eat two of them, so I was eating enough for four. "When I went out to eat I didn't care what I ate, I only cared about it being a large portion." His weight ballooned to 350 pounds and Danny had also developed a

Best Way to Lose 100 lbs Fast - Bernie's Story

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 Irish woman Bernie Finn lost 100 lbs off her frame and was named Unislimmer Of The Year for her efforts. Bernie Finn, 36, of Gorey, County Wexford, won the prestigious title this week after her incredible transformation. Before committing to the health drive just two years ago, Bernie weighed 265 pounds The mum-of-two said: “What doesn’t seem like long ago I could hardly walk and I felt so low, All I can say to anyone reading this who is thinking about losing weight, it has changed my life. I am a completely different person now and feel like life is so exciting again. To look at me now, some people don’t recognise me. I look 20 years younger. "   “Being overweight is tough, feeling self-conscious and in the way all the time, not being able to put on your socks or play with your kids. Every day was a struggle, life was exhausting I have reached my personal weight goals through Keto Diet and has all completely changed my lives for ever" Read more : What is Keto Diet - E

Best Way to lose 160 Pounds - Nicola's Success Story

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 When Nicola Wells accepted it was time to do something about her alcohol addition, she checked herself into rehab and spent three months bravely battling her demons. She started drinking in her 20s and by the time she hit 30 she was drinking all day, ever day, and it cost her friends and her job. But after overcoming her addition with hard spirits Nicola replaced it with another - calorific food. Nicola, 41, from Houston, Texas, said: "The first year was very hard, in fact it was hell on earth, but I've been clean ever since. I moved back in with my parents and that was it - the next chapter in my life." With junk meals from McDonalds and KFC becoming a staple of her diet, over just four years, between the age of 31 and 35, she saw her weight balloon to 305 pounds !   Gorging on up to 5,000 calories on a "good day," she said: "I'd eat huge portions of food at home or scoff unhealthy takeaways, before snacking on bars and bars of chocolate. I

Best Way to Lose 120 Pounds - Sonia's Success Story

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Sonia Greensill, a mum of two, weight 282 pounds and was too ashamed to meet new people because of her size and says she felt 'abnormal'   "I didn’t want to be an embarrassment to my husband, or to anyone really," she says. "I used to think, if they meet me then they’ll know he’s married to a fat woman.I didn’t want to be the one that people saw and thought, oh god, look at the size of her. So I’d find a reason not to go, because then I didn’t have to face it" Sonia, who has two grown-up children and two grandchildren, was approaching her 50th birthday and weighing 282 poundswhen she decided it was time to change her life. When Sonia’s daughter Sharn suggested they go to Keto Diet together, she initially refused. “My daughter had put on four stones when she was about 16, then joined Custom Keto Diet and lost it, but put a couple back on so she thought it would be a good idea if we both went,” says Sonia. “But when she first asked me I said ‘I’m not

BEST Way to Lose 90 Pounds in 3 Months - Success Story

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An obese police officer determined not to be a 'fat bride' has lose 90 pounds in 3 months to walk down the aisle in a fitted size 10 dress - and brave her first bikini in decades on her honeymoon. Charlotte Hutchison, 29, tipped the scales at 252 pounds when her husband Ricky Hutchison, 33, proposed - and a few months later was hit with dread at the idea of being fat on her big day. 'Embarrassed' by the sheer thought of trying to find a wedding dress to fit her bulky size 20 body was the 'kick' Charlotte needed to finally take control of her bulging waistline. Swapping bad habits of two takeaways a week and nightly chocolate treats for healthy home-cooked meals and snacks - based on Custom Keto Diet, has seen Charlotte drop a whopping 90 pounds Before her incredible transformation, investigating officer Charlotte admits she 'paid no attention' to her portion sizes and now eats meals half the size. By the time the 5ft 6ins bride walked down the

How to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months Diet Plans - Corrie's Success Story

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Corrie D'Silva, 40, has shed an amazing four dress sizes after taking a standard against her weight by ditching her expensive eating habits and nightly bottle of wine for healthy homemade meals The mum-of-two from California, started piling on weight in December 2017 after getting married and recovering from a severe back injury. She was on medication after back surgery to cut out disks that were bulging into her spine and doctors told her she would never be able to train at the gym again. At her heaviest, Corrie reached 190 pounds and began wearing a size 16. However, she has managed to lose more than 50 pounds in just 2 months to weight 140 pounds and fit into a slender size eight after starting Custom Keto Diet plan. Corrie ditched the takeaways and ready meals in favour of healthier options such as vegetable soup for lunch and salmon for dinner - and even gave up drinking for the 8 week programme. "I now see pictures from when I was heavy and miserable and I f