Best Way to Lose 120 Pounds - Sonia's Success Story

Sonia Greensill, a mum of two, weight 282 pounds and was too ashamed to meet new people because of her size and says she felt 'abnormal'


"I didn’t want to be an embarrassment to my husband, or to anyone really," she says. "I used to think, if they meet me then they’ll know he’s married to a fat woman.I didn’t want to be the one that people saw and thought, oh god, look at the size of her. So I’d find a reason not to go, because then I didn’t have to face it"

Sonia, who has two grown-up children and two grandchildren, was approaching her 50th birthday and weighing 282 poundswhen she decided it was time to change her life.

When Sonia’s daughter Sharn suggested they go to Keto Diet together, she initially refused. “My daughter had put on four stones when she was about 16, then joined Custom Keto Diet and lost it, but put a couple back on so she thought it would be a good idea if we both went,” says Sonia. “But when she first asked me I said ‘I’m not going there, no chance.’

With walking even short distances starting to become impossible, Sonia, signed up Custom Keto Diet plan in February 2019. After 10 months, she lost total 120 pounds. She now weighed 162 pounds And the 51-year-old is finally able to shop where she wants and go where she wants.

"Instead of turning down every invitation, I say yes to them all. I go clubbing with my daughter and daughter-in-law and I dance everyone under the table! I’ve had a new lease of life and I feel like I’m living my 20s in my 50s. My husband is so proud, everywhere we go he tells people how much weight I’ve lost, and I don’t feel like an embarrassment to him anymore – now my daughter tells him he’s punching."

 Read more : Custom Keto Diet Explained on Fox News






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