Best Way to Lose 70 Pounds in 4 Months - Cathernie's Story

Catherine Hellyer, 27, never thought twice about her daily order of a sausage roll, a multi-pack of brownie bites and a milky coffee laden with sugar. She ate the same lunchtime order every weekday for almost two years.

Catherine, from Illinois  said: "The only time it really varied was if I added a chicken tikka baguette on top. Honestly, my diet was so bad it was ridiculous, I must have been eating a week’s worth of calories in a couple of days. I even used to go to Greggs to get a pain au chocolat for breakfast most mornings because it was on my walk in to work."

As the pastries piled up, the weight piled on and by Christmas 2018 Catherine tipped the scales at almost 240 pounds

It was then, after a miserable shopping trip to find an outfit for a Christmas party, that she decided she had to do something. Catherine added: “I just wanted something cheap and cheerful to wear, but I’d gone up to a size 20/22 and I couldn’t find anything to fit in the high street shops. I thought, how has this happened? I’d gone from being someone who was always the big jolly curvy girl, really full of confidence, to feeling so unhappy in myself.."

Noticing how unhappy she was, Catherine’s partner Joe suggested she join Keto Diet. “He was worried about me because something in me had just given up and he knew my best friend Belle was going to a group near her and loved it,” she says.

Catherine joined  Custom Keto Diet plan  in January 2019 , weighing 233 pounds, and on May 2019 she’d lost more than 70 pounds and managed to overhaul the eating habits which she admits had spiralled out of control. She added: "I’ve always been bigger but that was part of my personality and it never bothered me.


“As a teenager I was very bubbly and outgoing, I had no problems making friends and I’d always be the first to put my hand up and volunteer for anything. It’s been a total lifestyle change but I’ve not been too strict with myself so I’ve managed to stick to Keto Diet. Before I’d lost everything about me, I was so uncomfortable with myself, now I’m back to where I used to be, full of life and with all my confidence again … and I don’t work near a Greggs so no more sausage rolls anymore!”

 Read more : What is custom Keto Diet ? - Explained on Fox News





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